Ghailani D., Marlier E., Baptista I., Deruelle T., Duri I., Guio A. C., Kominou K., Perista P.
and Spasova S.
European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2024
Ghailani D., Marlier E., Baptista I., Deruelle T., Duri I., Guio A. C., Kominou K., Perista P.
and Spasova S.
European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2024
Bekker S. and Leschke J.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.48, June 2021, 48p.
The OSE in collaboration with three partners – the Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI, lead partner), RAND Europe and Kooperationsstelle Hamburg (KOOP) – was awarded a new Framework contract with the European Commission. The purpose of the multiple framework contracts is to assist the European Commission in implementing the Better Regulation Guidelines in its activities. More specifically, these are services supporting DG EMPL on impact assessment, evaluation and monitoring in the areas of employment, social affairs, labour mobility and skills.
Bart Vanhercke was appointed, for the academic year 2013-2014, Associate Professor at the Institute for European Studies of Saint-Louis University (FUSL), where he is teaching a course on “The European Social Model and Employment” in the (FR/EN) Master of European Studies, a second cycle programme.
Bart Vanhercke was appointed, for the academic year 2013-2014, Associate Professor at the Institute for European Studies of Saint-Louis University (FUSL), where he is teaching a course on “The European Social Model and Employment” in the (FR/EN) Master of European Studies, a second cycle programme.
The OSE was awarded a contract with publishing house EDIESSE, which publishes la Rivista delle Politiche Sociali (Journal of social policy), an Italian journal dedicated to being a reference point for debate, perspectives and analyses on welfare issues, to conduct research on the social developments in the European Union. The OSE will summarise, four times a year, the result of this research into a Digest (‘Osservatorio Europa’) for the journal.
Project YOUTH: Young People in Occupations and Unemployment: Thinking of their better integration in the labour market
This report was produced for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions as part of the secondary analysis of the latest European Working Conditions Survey. The first part reviews existing literature on the divergence/convergence of European countries’ social models (clusters, varieties of capitalism, etc.). The second part comprises a statistical analysis of the data of the five European Working Conditions Surveys carried out by the Dublin Foundation between 1990 and 2005.
The European tools for social policy in Belgium ( research project, funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office, brings together six Belgian, French and Dutch research teams, made up of political scientists, lawyers and sociologists.
The OSE has been an active member of RECWOWE since the creation of this Network of Excellence. Funded by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme for research, RECWOWE aims at overcoming the fragmentation of European research on issues related to work and welfare.