Social protection

The final conference of the INVOTUNES research project will bring together researchers, EU and national policymakers, social partners and other stakeholders to discuss the present and future role of social partners in the Semester. There will be ample time to consider the project’s key findings and examine the eight case studies (BE, BG, DE, FI, HU, IT, PT and SE).

Thibaud is working on EU integration and social policies, in particular on social protection topics within the framework of the European Social Policy Analysis Network (#ESPAN, previously #ESPN).  

Team OSE

Sociologue de formation et doté d'une grande expertise en matière d'analyse socio-économique et de techniques empiriques, Ramón Peña-Casas a rejoint l'équipe de l'OSE en 2000. Il s'est impliqué dans divers projets relatifs aux interrelations de plus en plus complexes des sphères de l'emploi, du social et de la protection sociale dans le contexte des méthodes de gouvernance souples (méthodes ouvertes de coordination (MOC) qui se sont multipliées ces dernières années au niveau de l'Union européenne.

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Slavina Spasova, PhD in Political Science (Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB), has been OSE's Director since 1st of December 2023. Previously, she was a Senior researcher (2021) and a researcher (2016) working in the area of social protection at the OSE. She is the OSE coordinator in the European Social Policy Network (ESPN). As such her research agenda focuses on various social protection topics such as protection for the self-employed, pension reforms, work-life balance, healthcare, long-term care, sickness benefits.

Team OSE

Ilda Durri started a new role as researcher in EU social policies at the European Social Observatory (OSE). Her work includes projects, such as on the impact of globalisation, digitalization, demographic changes, and climate change on labour markets and welfare states in Europe (WELAR); access for domestic workers to labour and social protection (ESPAN); transparency of social protection systems (ESPAN); digital labour platforms in the care sector (ORIGAMI); EU social policy developments (Revue belge de sécurité sociale).

Team OSE