Social inclusion

Ramon Peña-Casas and Dalila Ghailani have been asked to draft, in collaboration with Ides Nicaise from the Higher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA, KU Leuven ), the Belgian report on “Promoting Social Inclusion of Roma”. This research, part of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion, contributes to following up the 2011 Communication on an EU framework for National Roma Integration Strategies.

OSE researchers involved in this project: Dalila Ghailani

The OSE has been closely involved in the scientific preparation of the 4th European Roma Platform which took place on 13 December 2010, in the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the EU. At the request of the Belgian Secretary of State for Social Integration and Combatting Poverty (Philippe Courard), Romana Careja and Bart Vanhercke, together with several experts from UNICEF, drafted a Discussion Paper on “Preventing Social Exclusion through Europe 2020: Early Childhood Development and the Inclusion of Roma Families”. 

The European Social Observatory (OSE) coordinates a new research on the social dimension of the Lisbon Strategy. In order to prepare for the Belgian Presidency of the EUin 2010, the Belgian Social Affairs Cabinet asked the OSE and the Center for Sociological research (CeSO) of the KULeuven to focus on two questions. First, to what extent did the Lisbon Strategy succeed in ‘balancing’ the three objectives of job creation, growth and social progress?

The European Social Observatory (OSE) coordinates a new research on the social dimension of the Lisbon Strategy. In order to prepare for the Belgian Presidency of the EUin 2010, the Belgian Social Affairs Cabinet asked the OSE and the Center for Sociological research (CeSO) of the KULeuven to focus on two questions. First, to what extent did the Lisbon Strategy succeed in ‘balancing’ the three objectives of job creation, growth and social progress?

Sociologue de formation et doté d'une grande expertise en matière d'analyse socio-économique et de techniques empiriques, Ramón Peña-Casas a rejoint l'équipe de l'OSE en 2000. Il s'est impliqué dans divers projets relatifs aux interrelations de plus en plus complexes des sphères de l'emploi, du social et de la protection sociale dans le contexte des méthodes de gouvernance souples (méthodes ouvertes de coordination (MOC) qui se sont multipliées ces dernières années au niveau de l'Union européenne.

Team OSE

The final conference of the INVOTUNES research project will bring together researchers, EU and national policymakers, social partners and other stakeholders to discuss the present and future role of social partners in the Semester. There will be ample time to consider the project’s key findings and examine the eight case studies (BE, BG, DE, FI, HU, IT, PT and SE).