In-work poverty

The solution to the ongoing increase in in-work poverty in Europe?

Peña-Casas R. and Ghailani D.

in Vanhercke B., Spasova S. and Fronteddu B. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2020, Brussels: ETUI and OSE, pp. 133 - 153.

The OSE is a partner in a new Horizon Europe-funded research project (2022-2025) looking at ‘Welfare systems and Labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe’ (‘WeLaR’). The project is coordinated by the Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA, KU Leuven) and brings together research institutes from six European Union countries: Austria (ZSI-WIIW), Belgium (OSE), Germany (ZEW), Italy (UNIPG), Luxembourg (LISER), Poland (ALDGATE-IBS) – as well as Serbia (EKOF).

The OSE is a partner in a new Horizon2020 European research project named ‘Working, Yet Poor’ (WorkYP). The project (2020- 2023) is being coordinated by the University of Luxembourg and involves eight European universities as well as three ‘social rights institutions’, including the OSE and the European Anti-poverty network (EAPN). The consortium explores the drivers of the recurrent phenomenon of in-work poverty (IWP) in the EU in the light of social rights of EU workers and citizens, notably those proclaimed in the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR).

The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research which will result in the 21st edition of the ‘Bilan social’ (its shorter name in French), to be edited by Bart Vanhercke, Slavina Spasova and Boris Fronteddu. This year’s contributors include Karen Anderson, Anniek de Ruijter, Dalila Ghailani, Scott Greer, Éloi Laurent, Matteo Mandelli, Martin Myant, Jill Rubery, Sebastiano Sabato and Ramón Peña-Casas.

OSE and HIVA (KULeuven) started new research for the Belgian Social Security Administration (FPS), with a view to updating and improving the indicators used in the Belgian National Social Report and the National Reform Programme. As part of this research, Ramón Peña-Casas provided a detailed picture of (very) low work intensity households in Belgium, using register data available in the ‘Data Warehouse Labour Market and Social Protection’ (Datawarehouse marché du travail et protection sociale), which is managed by Crossroads Bank of Social Security.

OSE and HIVA (KULeuven) started new research for the Belgian Social Security Administration (FPS), with a view to updating and improving the indicators used in the Belgian National Social Report and the National Reform Programme. As part of this research, Ramón Peña-Casas provided a detailed picture of (very) low work intensity households in Belgium, using register data available in the ‘Data Warehouse Labour Market and Social Protection’ (Datawarehouse marché du travail et protection sociale), which is managed by Crossroads Bank of Social Security.

In-Work Poverty in Europe

The Final Conference of the WorkYP Project, funded by the Horizon 2020 scheme for the years 2020-2023, will take place on January 26, 2023. 09:00-17:00 CET at the International Auditorium (International Trade Union House) in Brussels as well as online.