European social policy

The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research which resulted in the 22nd edition of the ‘Bilan social’ (the short name of the book in French), edited by Bart Vanhercke and Slavina Spasova. Contributors to the book include Cinzia Alcidi, Angelina Atanasova, Denis Bouget, Hans Bruyninckx, Francesco Corti, Michael Dauderstädt, Thibaud Deruelle, Boris Fronteddu, Gülcin Karadeniz, Jock Martin, Aida Ponce Del Castillo and Amy Verdun.

CAPRIGHT is a European research work funded by the European Commission (DG research, under the Sixth Framework Programme - FP6) and coordinated by Nancy University/CNRS. It aims at the promotion of individual and collective capabilities, studying the relations between labour markets, employment and welfare regimes: the objective of CAPRIGHT is to build an innovative theoretical framework offering a basis for new understandings of these relations.

Hybrid conference – 10.00–12.30 CET – Brussels/Online

The European Social Observatory (OSE) and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) invite you to the launch event of the 23rd edition of "Social policy in the EU: state of play" (Bilan social de l’UE).

Key questions:

Thibaud is working on EU integration and social policies, in particular on social protection topics within the framework of the European Social Policy Analysis Network (#ESPAN, previously #ESPN).  

Team OSE

Ilda Durri started a new role as researcher in EU social policies at the European Social Observatory (OSE). Her work includes projects, such as on the impact of globalisation, digitalization, demographic changes, and climate change on labour markets and welfare states in Europe (WELAR); access for domestic workers to labour and social protection (ESPAN); transparency of social protection systems (ESPAN); digital labour platforms in the care sector (ORIGAMI); EU social policy developments (Revue belge de sécurité sociale).

Team OSE