Europe 2020

The OSE was awarded a contract with publishing house EDIESSE, which publishes la Rivista delle Politiche Sociali (Journal of social policy), an Italian journal dedicated to being a reference point for debate, perspectives and analyses on welfare issues, to conduct research on the social developments in the European Union. The OSE will summarise, four times a year, the result of this research into a Digest (‘Osservatorio Europa’) for the journal.

The OSE was awarded a contract to facilitate the work of the ad hoc Group of the Social Protection Committee (SPC) on the adaptation of the Social OMC to the Europe 2020 Strategy. In this context, the OSE has written several contributions which identify the main issues at stake, suggest questions for debate and provide a draft of the Discussion Paper that the ad hoc Group is presenting to the SPC. The deliverables also served as a basis for the SPC Opinion on “Reinvigorating the Social OMC in the Context of the Europe 2020 Strategy”.

The OSE has been closely involved in the scientific preparation of the 4th European Roma Platform which took place on 13 December 2010, in the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the EU. At the request of the Belgian Secretary of State for Social Integration and Combatting Poverty (Philippe Courard), Romana Careja and Bart Vanhercke, together with several experts from UNICEF, drafted a Discussion Paper on “Preventing Social Exclusion through Europe 2020: Early Childhood Development and the Inclusion of Roma Families”. 

The OSE was awarded a contract to facilitate the work of the ad hoc Group of the Social Protection Committee (SPC) on the adaptation of the Social OMC to the Europe 2020 Strategy. In this context, the OSE has written several contributions which identify the main issues at stake, suggest questions for debate and provide a draft of the Discussion Paper that the ad hoc Group is presenting to the SPC. The deliverables also served as a basis for the SPC Opinion on “Reinvigorating the Social OMC in the Context of the Europe 2020 Strategy”.