Frazer H., Guio A.-C. and Marlier E.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.49, October 2021, 68p.
Frazer H., Guio A.-C. and Marlier E.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.49, October 2021, 68p.
While inequalities remain a fundamental challenge across Europe, and the EU is progressively implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, the European Social Network (ESN) has again asked the OSE to provide scientific underpinning of its work on the European Semester. The OSE contribution will draw on questionnaires that will be completed by ESN members. It will provide the substance for ESN proposals regarding the 2021 Country-specific Recommendations.
The OSE participated in the second phase of the Feasibility Study for a Child Guarantee (FSCG 2), as thematic expert for the policy area “healthcare”. The study, coordinated by Anne-Catherine Guio, Hugh Frazer and Eric Marlier (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, LISER) provides a detailed economic analysis of the design, governance, costs, benefits and implementation options of this important EU initiative. It focuses on access to free healthcare, education, childcare as well as decent housing and adequate nutrition.
The OSE has been closely involved in the scientific preparation of the 4th European Roma Platform which took place on 13 December 2010, in the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the EU. At the request of the Belgian Secretary of State for Social Integration and Combatting Poverty (Philippe Courard), Romana Careja and Bart Vanhercke, together with several experts from UNICEF, drafted a Discussion Paper on “Preventing Social Exclusion through Europe 2020: Early Childhood Development and the Inclusion of Roma Families”.