OSE has become a partner in the ORIGAMI project led by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
(UCSC). It includes seven other academic and stockholder partners and is funded by DG
Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion through the budget line “Improving expertise in
the field of industrial relations – SOCPL-2022-IND-REL-01".
This project analyses the role of digital platforms in the ongoing transformation of the home
care sector, identifying the specificities of their organizational model with respect to both
traditional organizations in the sector and platforms present in other sectors, the
consequences on working conditions, the need for social protection and representation of
interests, and the innovative strategies of social actors to respond to these needs. The
research is carried out in Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain through
the following methodologies: the comparative analysis of the role, funding strategies and
organization patterns of home care within each welfare systems; the mapping and the case
studies of home care platforms and of innovative strategies for collective action.
OSE researchers involved: Slavina Spasova (lead researcher) and Korina Kominou.