The impact of digitalisation on job quality and social dialogue in public services across the EU


DIGIQU@LPUB final conference, 25 September 2023, 9 AM – 4.15 PM, Brussels/Online
During the past two years, eight country teams have assessed how digitalisation has impacted on job quality and social dialogue in the public services across Europe.

The final conference will be the occasion to learn about the project’s key messages and rich country evidence from eight countries: Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Spain. The focus is on three sectors: electricity (public utilities), national administrations (regional and local governments) and hospitals (health and social services).

Keynote speakers include Eckhard Voss, Aida Ponce Del Castillo, Valeria Pulignano, Ricardo Contreras and Jan-Willem Goudriaan.

Programme (316.76 KB)
Invitation (285.28 KB)

Programme IT | FR    Invitation IT | FR


Brussels / Online

English, Italian and French