Gender Inequalities in the EU - Perspectives in the Light of the Digital and Green Transitions

Afterwork discussion

The OSE, in collaboration with the ULB, invites you to an Afterwork discussion on 27 March 2025, 17.30–19.00 


Welcome & Introduction with Slavina Spasova (Director, OSE)

|  Introduction of the Book

  • Amandine Crespy (Professor in Political Science & EU Studies, ULB)
    Presentation of key findings of the book on inequalities

|  Short Academic Presentations – Chair: Amandine Crespy

  • Serena D’Agostino (Senior Researcher in Political Science, UA and Senior Associate Researcher BsoG-VUB)
    A Union of Equality: A Promising Step Forward or a Missed Opportunity to Be Truly Intersectional?
  • Fabian Lütz (PhD candidate, University of Lausanne)
    Revisiting Gender-Based Discrimination in the Algorithmic Age
  • Chiara Armeni (Professor of European Environmental Law, Director of the Centre for European Law, ULB)
    Inequality in EU climate policies and regulation

|  Policy Panel Discussion – Chair: Slavina Spasova

  • Ana Carla Pereira (Equality and Non-Discrimination, DG JUST)
    The European Commission’s perspective on gender inequalities in the digital and green transitions
  • Isabelle Schömann (Deputy General Secretary, ETUC)
    Labor rights and social policies in the gender inequality debate
  • Elizabeth Gosme (Director of COFACE Families)
    Policy recommendations for more gender equitable EU transitions
  • Dainius Žalimas (MEP, Renew Europe, Vice-chair FEMM - tbc)

Q and R with the audience
Closing Remarks with Amandine Crespy & Slavina Spasova

19.00– 20.00 Buffet


Nordic House Building
3 rue du Luxembourg
1000 Brussels

Registration form