Vanhercke B., Spasova S. and Fronteddu B.
in Vanhercke B., Spasova S. and Fronteddu B. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2020, Brussels: ETUI and OSE, pp. 155 - 184.
Vanhercke B., Spasova S. and Fronteddu B.
in Vanhercke B., Spasova S. and Fronteddu B. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2020, Brussels: ETUI and OSE, pp. 155 - 184.
Natali D., Spasova S. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 52 p.
Bouget D., Spasova S. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission
Spasova S., Bouget D. and Vanhercke B.
Background report for the Social Protection Committee’s In-depth Review on sickness benefits (17 October 2016)
European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 42 p.
Bouget D., Frazer H., Marlier E., Peña-Casas R. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 2015, 52 p.
Marlier E. et Vanhercke B.
Radio Télévision belge francophone (RTBF)
Baeten R. et Ghailani D.
OSE Paper Series, Briefing Paper Nr.10, April 2015, 71p.
In Natali, D. and Vanhercke, B. (Eds.)
Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2015, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, pp. 183-214.
Ghailani D. with Vanhercke B.
Study for the LIBE Committee, Policy Department C (Citizens’ Rights and constitutional affairs), DG Internal Policies, European Parliament, PE510.015, 2015, 75p.
Bouget D., Frazer H., Marlier E., Sabato S. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 2015