État providence

L'OSE est partenaire d'un nouveau projet de recherche (2022-2025) financé par le programme Horizon Europe de l’UE et portant sur les "Systèmes de protection sociale et les politiques du marché du travail pour la résilience économique et sociale en Europe" ("WeLaR"). Le projet est coordonné par le Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA, KU Leuven) et rassemble des instituts de recherche de six pays de l'Union européenne : Autriche (ZSI-WIIW), Belgique (OSE), Allemagne (ZEW), Italie (UNIPG), Luxembourg (LISER), Pologne (ALDGATE-IBS) - ainsi que la Serbie (EKOF).

This seminar – co-organised by the Belgian Federal Public Service (FPS) Social Security and the OSE – will bring together researchers, social stakeholders and decisionmakers to discuss difficult issues, such as climate-proofing our economies and societies and the need to make European welfare states fit for the future. How conducive are the initiatives adopted by the EU to greater integration of the social and the green pillars? Should the European Semester be overhauled to explicitly take social-ecological indicators on board?

Poland, just like many other European countries, is facing the important challenge of modernising its welfare system in a challenging economic context and at a time of ongoing fiscal consolidation. Against this background, this public Roundtable discussion represents a key opportunity for scholars as well as national and European stakeholders and policymakers to discuss the contribution of social dialogue to welfare state developments in Poland and the rest of Europe.