It takes two to tango. A policy debate for a just, green transition for the EU


This seminar – co-organised by the Belgian Federal Public Service (FPS) Social Security and the OSE – will bring together researchers, social stakeholders and decisionmakers to discuss difficult issues, such as climate-proofing our economies and societies and the need to make European welfare states fit for the future. How conducive are the initiatives adopted by the EU to greater integration of the social and the green pillars? Should the European Semester be overhauled to explicitly take social-ecological indicators on board? What should be the role of social and civil dialogue during the green transition?

  • Welcome & Introduction
    Manuel Paolillo (Director General Policy Coordination and International Relations, FPS Social Security)
  • A just transition towards climate neutrality for the EU: debates, key issues and ways forward
    Presentation of the OSE Research paper by Sebastiano Sabato (OSE), Milena Büchs (University of Leeds) and Josefine Vanhille (CSB – University of Antwerp)
  • Panel discussion on the ecological transition, the welfare state and the role of the EU
    Pascale Vielle (Member of the Belgian academic high-level group on just transition, and Professor, UCL)
    Amandine Crespy (Deputy Director at CEVIPOL, ULB)
    Bart Vanhercke, (Director OSE) (moderator)
  • Looking forward
    Nicoletta Merlo (Member of European Economic and Social Committee)
    Anne Van Lancker (President, SOLIDAR)
Vielle Presentation (260.51 Ko)
Programme (83.46 Ko)
Report (204.68 Ko)
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