
  • afterwork discussion logo
    OSE Afterwork discussion

    Thursday 23 May 2024, 17.00–18.20, OSE new office, Brussels

    Are you interested in the ‘Role of the Belgian Presidency in promoting social investment and social protection at EU level’? Come and join us at the OSE’s first -ever Afterwork discussion.

    With Francesco Corti, Advisor to the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Maaike Vanmeerhaeghe, Policy Advisor at the Federal Public Service of Social Security (BE), Katia Berti, Head of Unit - Employment and social aspects of the European Semester (DG EMPL, EC) and Slavina Spasova, Director, OSE.

  • Event Just transition BE EU 2024 Pic
    Pour une transition juste

    On 4th and 5th March 2024, in connection within the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Belgian Federal Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and the Green Deal, Ms. Zakia Khattabi, hosted a European Conference for a Just Transition. On that occasion, Sebastiano Sabato was invited to present the findings of a study commissioned by the Belgian Presidency on “The European Green Deal and the ‘Leave No One Behind’ principle: state of the art, gaps and ways forward”.

  • News Bilan2023 conf
    Launch event of the ETUI-OSE "Social policy in the EU: state of play 2023"

    Implementing the Pillar: paradigm shift in the shadow of austerity
    12 March 2024, 9h–12h30, Brussels

    The European Social Observatory (OSE) and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) have the pleasure of inviting you to an exchange between researchers and European stakeholders and policymakers on the recent developments, challenges and opportunities for Social Europe.

  • Digiqualpub Final Conference pic
    Digitalisation, qualité de l'emploi et dialogue social dans les services publics en Europe

    Conférence finale DIGIQU@LPUB : 25 septembre 2023, Bruxelles/En ligne

    Au cours des deux dernières années, huit équipes nationales ont évalué l'impact de la numérisation sur la qualité de l'emploi et le dialogue social dans les services publics à travers l'Europe. La conférence finale (Bruxelles/online) sera l'occasion de découvrir les messages clés du projet et de nombreuses données nationales provenant de huit pays : Danemark, France, Finlande, Allemagne, Hongrie, Italie, Pologne et Espagne. L'accent est mis sur trois secteurs : l'électricité, les administrations nationales et les hôpitaux. Les orateurs principaux sont Eckhard Voss, Aida Ponce Del Castillo, Valeria Pulignano, Ricardo Contreras et Jan-Willem Goudriaan.

  • News Cover Research 51
    Looking for a needle in a haystack? Digitalisation, job quality and social dialogue in Poland

    This Research paper, written by colleagues from the Institute of Public Affairs (Warsaw) in the context of the European Commission-funded DIGIQU@LPUB project, presents the assessment of the impact of digitalisation on job quality and social dialogue in the public services in Poland as ‘looking for a needle in a haystack’. Examining three sectors – electricity, public administration and healthcare – the study finds that the impact of digitalisation on working conditions and job satisfaction is rather positive in Poland. However, the assessment of digital solutions may be less positive than it could be, due to flawed implementation.

Nouveaux bureaux pour l'OSE

Après presque 40 années dans une ancienne maison de maître à Ixelles, notre association entame une seconde vie dans un bureau moderne au coeur du quartier européen. Nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir dans nos nouveaux bureaux lors d'un prochain événement.

Notre nouvelle adresse: OSE asbl, Nordic House, 3 rue du Luxembourg, 1000 Bruxelles.

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