The role of the Belgian Presidency in promoting social investment and social protection at EU level

OSE afterwork discussion

Discussion 17.00–18.20 | Drink 18.20–19.30


Chair: Slavina Spasova, Director, European Social Observatory

Social investment  
17.00 – 17.15  Francesco Corti, Advisor to the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Health, sets the scenes on both scientific and political debates on social investment. He will present the Informal Group on Social Investment launched by the Belgian and Spanish Presidency of the EU and the outcomes of the Joint ECOFIN-EPSCO Council meeting of March 2024.  

Social Protection
17.15 – 17.30  Maaike Vanmeerhaeghe, Policy Advisor at the Federal Public Service of Social Security in Belgium, introduces the ideas of the Presidency on reinforcing access to social protection, and particularly the role of the 2019 Council Recommendation on access to social protection. She will outline the outcomes of the discussions on these topics during the Presidency and will provide a brief overview of the next steps. 

Discussion and Q&A 
17.30  – 17.50  Katia Berti, Head of Unit - Employment and social aspects of the European Semester (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission), will provide comments and discuss with Francesco Corti. 
17.50 – 18.00  Slavina Spasova will provide comments and discuss with Maaike Vanmeerhaeghe.

18.00 – 18.20  Q&A with the audience

18.20 – 19.30  Drink



European Social Observatory
3 rue du Luxembourg,