A European Social Union: 10 Tough Nuts to Crack

Vandenbroucke F. with Vanhercke B.

Background report for the Friends of Europe High-Level Group on 'Social Union'
Brussels: Friends of Europe, 2014, 158 p.

Release date

The report is authored by Frank Vandenbroucke, chair of Friends of Europe’s High-Level Group. It is published as his personal view of the social challenges that confront the EU, and their possible solutions. Frank Vandenbroucke served as Belgium’s former Minister for Employment, Pensions and Social Affairs and as Deputy Prime Minister. Frank is now a Professor at the Universities of Leuven, Antwerp and Amsterdam. Bart Vanhercke, co-author of the report, is Director of the European Social Observatory (OSE) and affiliated at the University of Leuven.

Friends of Europe's High-Level Group aims to place the social dimension of EU policymaking in a wider context by bringing together senior experts from a wide range of professional backgrounds and political affiliations. This report hopes to fuel their deliberations, but is not intended as a blueprint for their conclusions.

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A European Social Union: 10 tough nuts to crack